Number of slopes: 8
Beginner slope: Yes
Snow Park: Yes
Longest slope: 750m
Greatest vertical drop: 80m
Ski Lifts: T-bar, Button and Rope
Sledding hill: Yes
Here you can follow the progress of snowmaking and the current snow situation.
Snowmaking was completed around 7:00 PM. Thank you for following our snowmaking diary!
Snowmaking continued in the evening around 6:15 PM. The goal is to complete the snowmaking during this period of freezing temperatures.
Snowmaking has been temporarily paused.
Snowmaking on the Rami slope started at approximately 3:00 PM.
Snowmaking was paused this evening at around 7:00 PM.
Snowmaking started at 7:30 PM. The weather conditions look very promising in terms of temperature, with forecasts predicting temperatures between -10 and -19 degrees Celsius in the coming days.
Unfortunately, strong winds caused challenges again today. Due to the wind, we had to relocate snow guns that had already been positioned on the slope to ensure the snow would land in the right place—or at least stay within the slope area.
The snow guns don’t move themselves, and the extra work caused by the wind takes additional time. Despite all this, we managed to get the last snow gun in place and running by 2:30 AM.
Long nights are part of the routine in snowmaking, but battling with the wind makes the work even more challenging. Fortunately, the freezing temperatures persist, and the wind seems to be easing. Snowmaking will run at full capacity as long as the weather allows or until there’s enough snow. The focus will be on covering the ski lift trail, the lower box mound in the park, and the Vanha slope.
Due to the warm weather, snowmaking had to be put on hold at 05:30.
As mentioned in a previous section, snowmaking often comes with its share of surprises. However, this year we’ve managed to get by with surprisingly few setbacks.
During the evening, we began relocating two snow guns from the Snow Park and Turisti areas toward the lift track, so we can take advantage of the favorable cold temperatures for snowmaking on the uphill section. The first gun was moved without any issues, but as we went to retrieve the next one, we noticed that a third snow guns blower had shut off. Essentially, water was flowing through the hose into the gun, but it wasn’t being discharged properly.
The snow gun had to be shut down and moved to the maintenance building to thaw, as it became completely frozen and unusable within just a few minutes. Fortunately, the gun recovered flawlessly and after a few hours of thawing and drying, we were able to get it back on the slope and operational again.
The exact cause of the problem remains unclear, but it is suspected that an electrical fault in the power line may have caused the fan to shut down.
Snowmaking has continued since yesterday without major issues, with temperatures staying around -12 degrees celsius, which is excellent for snow production.
Snowmaking often comes with its fair share of surprises and this time was no exception. Our ATV's gearbox ran into some trouble (or rather, our other entrepreneur managed to break it—oops!). Due to this issue, we can no longer shift gears and are now driving the ATV exclusively forward. Thankfully, it’s still operational, which is a relief since the ATV is a critical part of our snowmaking. It’s used for hourly rounds to check on the snow guns, adjust them to ensure the snow is blowing in the right direction, clear off snow buildup, and verify that everything is functioning as it should. Without further ado, snowmaking continues as long as the weather allows or until we reach our daily operational limits.
Snowmaking started around six in the morning.
Snow is being made for the park, so that it can be opened right at the start of the season. There is already a good amount of snow, but we still need a few more snowmaking days. Building a park takes a surprisingly large amount of snow, if it were a normal slope there would already be enough snow.
The weather has been around -10 degrees, so we have been able to make snow at full capacity. According to the weather forecast, this period of frost will continue until Thursday, so we will continue as long as we can.
The plan is to move few snow guns to the lift track for the next period.
Due to the rain, (almost) all the natural snow on the ski lift side has melted away. These slopes are completely dependent on natural snow, let's hope for good snowfall and all the slopes will be open as soon as possible.
Snowmaking started at 1:00 AM.
We had time to make snow for almost a day, until the weather warmed up again and snowmaking had to be put on hold. The weather forecast for next week promises good snowmaking conditions, snowmaking will continue if the weather permits.
Snowmaking was paused this morning at around 8:00 AM due to rising temperatures. Thanks to favorable conditions and the additional snow gun, we managed to produce a significant amount of snow. More snow was made in a single day than in three days previously combined.
The plan is to resume snowmaking on Friday night, weather permitting. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for nice freezing temperatures!
Snowmaking began this morning at around 11:00 AM. Our snowmaking equipment was reinforced with an additional snow gun after repairing an old, broken one. This enables us to fully utilize the favorable snowmaking conditions, significantly increasing snow production.
Snowmaking has been put on hold due to the warm weather. During this few-day period, we managed to create a good base for the slopes, but significantly more snow is still needed.
The weather forecast suggests that snowmaking can continue next week. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope for good frosty conditions!
Snowmaking has been running continuously since Tuesday night and has progressed well. However, strong winds and slightly warmer weather have posed some challenges. Temperatures have been hovering between -4 and -7 degrees Celsius. To produce snow at maximum capacity, temperatures of at least -10 degrees celsius are required.
Snowmaking is planned to continue until the night between Sunday and Monday. After this period, we will take a break of at least two days, as required by regulations.
Snowmaking began at around midnight.
Before starting snowmaking, the snowmaking line and system were tested. During the tests, a hole was discovered in the snowmaking line, making it unusable. Additionally, a leak was detected in the pump station.
All detected issues have now been resolved, and the system is ready for snowmaking to begin.
The snowmaking is about to start! During the fall, we have been actively maintaining the snowmaking equipment and now we are fully ready for snowmaking. Now let's just hope for cold weather so that the snowmaking can begin.